Migraine & Headache IV Drip

Migraine headaches can be incredibly debilitating. They can cause nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound preventing you from participating in your daily life for days or even weeks at a time. Thankfully, IV hydration therapy, also called migraine IV treatments or migraine IV cocktails, utilizes a combination of vitamins, electrolytes, antioxidants, hydrating fluids, and medication delivered intravenously (via an IV drip) to counteracting migraine symptoms.

If you haven’t yet tried IV infusions for treatment of migraines, here are 3 reasons why you should:

  • Fast relief through a blend of medications designed to treat pain, nausea, and inflammation simultaneously. The drugs used in headache infusions target the proteins that initiate the cascade of events that cause migraines. No other treatment can do that.
  • It is time and cost effective. Waking up early with intractable headache pain and resorting to going to a hospital can result in hours long wait times and a very large bill. Scheduling an IV headache infusion will result in much time and money saved as they can be administered in the doctors office. In office treatments usually only take about an hour.
  • IV headache infusion treatments have been shown to remain effective for as long as one month after the treatment. Not experiencing pain for that long is a dream come true for chronic migraine sufferers.

VITAMINS & MINERALS commonly used in Migraine & Headache IV drips


Get started today!
Call us and schedule your appointment (216) 755-4044.